Food nutrition during pregnancy : part 2

This is the second part of food nutrition during pregnancy. Please check the previous entry for the first part.

Good nutrition can reduce common problems during pregnancy such as vomiting, heartburn and constipation. The need for nutrients increases during pregnancy, especially during the second and third trimester (weeks 12 till birth).

The examples of good nutrition is such taking food contains energy, protein, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, folate, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, calcium, iodine and zinc. The need for iron become too high and could not be met through normal diet. The intake for fatty acids (linoleic acid and alpha-linoleic acid) should be increased to ensure perfect formation of the fetus.

Lack of iodine during pregnancy can cause delayed development resulting in a slow mental performance. It is also important for thyroid hormones that support normal growth and development of children. Many research have shown that lack of iodine will cause the baby born mentally retarded, stunted growth, deaf, dumb, and the resulting weakness of the body.


  1. Women should have to take more protein, nutrition and full healthy diet on the time on pregnancy. They also should have to do all exercise for better delivery.

  2. Teeth Whitening> Agree with you. Exercise also important during pregnancy.


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