World Diabetes Day : 285 million people with diabetes!

World Diabetes Day is today

Today November 14, is declared as World Diabetes Day. An official United Nation's World Health Day, World Diabetes Day marks the birthday of Sir Frederick Banting, who, along with Dr. Charles Best, co-discovered insulin in 1921. Why we have to aware about diabetes? Diabetes is quite common in our life, but many people don’t really bother about amount of sugar they had in a day.

Diabetes is really scary if you know the fact that currently 285 million of people around the world now facing the problem. To make it worse, 2/3 of diabetes epidemic died of heart attack.

We should be more careful with the amount of sugar taken in a day and eating habits. Be aware that diabetes are killing us slowly. Today, not only elderly are having diabetes. In some cases, younger age is also having diabetes, which normally related to obesity.


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