Stress and sleep

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What is the connection between stress and sleep? Did you know that most of the successful person in the world sleep or take a nap to relax and 'recharge' their energy. Sleep is good for as one of the stress solutions. When someone don't have enough sleep, the performance will decrease and they will do something unhealthy to reduce the stress like drinking coffee and smoking cigarette, which is totally worsen the situation.

I've gone through the situation when I forced myself to work overnight wasted my time because I can't give 100% performance. Since I read a book about '50 successful person in the world', I tried sleep as natural stress relief, and it works. The next day (or hour) when I back to work, I can have more energy and my performance is better. SO I've prove myself that sleep is good for
stress reduction.

There are lots more of method for managing stress but here I'd like to share 1 of them on how to relieve stress. If you haven't try sleep as a stress meditation, why don't you try it today for relaxation stress. Stress relief means you keep your self from high blood pressure and hot temper. If you are stress now, why don't get a sleep and you can reducing stress in you.

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