Worry about the effect of contraceptive pills

Worry about the effect of contraceptive pills

SALAM doctor. I'm happily married and has one child aged 2 years 8 months. I have been taking birth control pills 28 seed then switch to 21 seeds. At the beginning of last year, I stopped taking the pills. My problem now, I do not come from the period January 2011 until now. Make knowledge a doctor, I would like to have another child.

* FK, NSW.


In medical terms, it's called post aAmenorrhea pill. It occurs when a woman does not come haidnya after stop taking birth control pill. Although it does not always happen, but this occurs significantly, at 0.2 to 3.0 percent. This means that in 1,000 women who practice birth control pill, a total of 2-30 people will experience this problem. Do you worry that the problem experienced is quite common.

When women take the birth control pill, estrogen and progesterone levels in the body is at relatively high levels. In turn causes the pituitary gland in the brain can not function normally. In women with normal menstrual cycle, the pituitary gland releases the hormone stimulator follicles (follicle stimulating hormone, FSH) and hormone Peluteinan (LUTEINIZING hormone-LH), which will stimulate the ovaries (egg plants) produce follicles containing the ova (female seeds).

This growing follicle releases the hormone estrogen. When these follicles mature and rupture, it releases an ovum. At this time (usually in the middle of the menstrual cycle or the 14th day of the menstrual cycle) is called ovulation and progesterone produced. When women practice birth control pills containing the hormones estrogen and progesterone, both of these hormones will be in the body at high altitudes. The increase in this hormone will give a negative response when the pituitary gland feels that enough estrogen and progesterone in the body. So the pituitary gland does not produce hormones FSH and LH indirectly, prevent ovulation. This will prevent the egg is released and the woman will become pregnant.

Often women practice birth control pills for long periods of time between one to two years while waiting for a newborn baby grow up. Since taking too long, the effect of the negative reaction in the pituitary gland will continue to be felt even if she does not take birth control pill again. This will prevent ovulation and menstruation.

Diagnosis and treatment of cases, doctors will give a diagnosis based on patient history who have taken birth control pill. Ultrasound scan examination (ultrasound) will show the ovaries with no growing follicles. In other words there is no blood kelihatan.Pemeriksaan follicles showed that the level of hormones FSH, LH and estrogen are at a very low level.

Typically, doctors do not give any medication for this problem. If the situation continues to occur for six months, then the doctor will provide medicines that contain the hormone progesterone for about five days to bring about menstruation. These drugs act very quickly, usually bleeding to occur after several days due progesterone pills.

However, should you know that the bleeding would be meaningless if there is no production of ova from the ovary. This is because the progesterone pill does not encourage the development of follicles in the ovary.

So fertile drug (clomiphene citrate) is supplied to encourage the development of a follicle for ovulation. It is best you consult a doctor for treatment.

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