Fasting for pregnant women

Conjunction with the fasting month, can not the doctor for any guidance for pregnant women like me. I am now five months pregnant. I am concerned that if facing any problem while fasting because this is my first pregnancy.

Mrs. R,


During Ramadan, many of us rush to catch up fast blessed with perfectly working practices. For women who are not pregnant, would it not be a problem. However, many pregnant women do not want to miss. Most doctors and scholars also encourage pregnant women not to fast if it is harmful to the woman or the baby in her womb.

If fasting is not harmful, they can be fast with a guide to fast during pregnancy from a doctor so that they are guaranteed healthy.

Alhamdulillah, Mrs lucky this time because of pregnancy in a lot of these advantages. You have a very good chance you educate children from the womb to identify the author. So, not surprisingly, despite being pregnant, not less than the mothers who still want to perform the duty of fasting. They want to reap the benefits of Ramadan to join the increasing worship. God willing, Madam can try to fast like the other mothers who are pregnant and choose to continue in the holy month of fasting.

Defer masaNamun, there are also mothers who stubbornly remain fast and determined to not breaking even already showing symptoms of hypoglycemia such as dizziness, nausea, trembling and almost fainting or fainting. They postpone the time for breaking. The enormity of a full month of fasting for them.

Mothers who continue to force themselves to fast without considering the actual pregnancy is harmful to the unborn child itself. In fact, the child can experience hypoglycemia and calorie malnourished useful for long term growth.

Of course not mean that all these blessings if we are not healthy offspring. In this case, it is not fair to the woman continued to fast because it is harmful to them.

Pregnancy is not a disease but a physiological condition that may be experienced by any woman. So, when there were no health problems in the mother or the unborn child and they both are under the supervision of a doctor, they were allowed to fast as usual.

To decide whether a mother is required to fast or not is highly dependent on nutrient conditions, thus fulfilling her infant nutrition. In other words, the question of nutrient should get serious consideration by pregnant women. It is also important during pregnancy the mother should think about the needs of himself and his children are burdens. If you do not change eating habits, children in the womb will also be affected. Malnutrition is any part of it will affect their health.

NutrienAlhamdulillah, Mrs. is at the second trimester (months four to six content). Normally, during the initial content of the first three months, pregnant women are experiencing symptoms of nausea, dizziness and vomiting that often, it is best not fast.

At this time, babies need the nutrients and calories are very high from the mother. If you are not experiencing problems, you may fast. Ideally, if the mother wishes to abandon the best time is during pregnancy four to six months. Mothers are advised to always get the supervision of a doctor.

Mothers who have the disease, it is recommended not to fast if you have severe allergies (always weak, nausea and a shortage of water in the body), chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, kidney disease, anemia during pregnancy, oligohidramnios (mentuban water that bit), heart disease, infant growth retardation and bleeding during pregnancy.

There are pregnant women eating guidelines that should be practiced during Ramadan.

A mother should not make the pregnancy as an excuse for overeating, especially during Ramadan. Food pyramid can be used as a guide to get a nutritious and balanced diet. Taking a variety of foods as well as quantity is important.

To ensure the body's defenses strong enough, the mother must give priority to food with high calories and protein as meat. It also causes delayed stomach hungry. However, the claim is not as high caloric demands increase in other nutrients. Avoid intake of carbohydrates and sugar because it just adds calories. Fiber and vegetables, do not be forgotten.

Have lots to drink water and milk to meet the daily demands of two to three liters a day. If not, drink plain water only, may be mixed with juices, syrups and the like. Drink water throughout the night and if frequent urination, it is a good sign and shows a person does not become dehydrated. Normally a pregnant woman needs about two liters of water a day.

Therefore, to ensure sufficient water supply to the body, you should drink more water after the time of breaking fast. Then relax for about an hour before eat a meal break.

KeseimbanganTujuannya giving advance balance of the digestive system. Remember, do not overeat and avoid foods with high salt content such as eggs and salted fish. Puasalah breaking slowly so that the stomach would not be surprised. To aid digestion, chew your food well.

So that you could sustain hunger, increase his take-fiber foods which are abundant in vegetables and fruits. The body takes longer to digest the food much fiber. In addition to fiber and protein, preferably prepared foods that contain vitamins and minerals, and supplements that are fresh, vibrant body throughout the day.

In conclusion, pregnant women can fast if they have a strength and not experiencing a complication of pregnancy. For which there is no power from the disease since before marriage or suffered during pregnancy, may break and need replacing again.

Reference, Utusan Online

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