risk of inherited prostate cancer


I AM 31 years old and will be married in the middle of next year. However, recently, my father was diagnosed with prostate cancer a chronic rather serious level. In fact, he is still undergoing treatment at a private hospital at the moment. My question is, what is my true also at risk of the same disease? Is there any way to avoid it? Can the doctor explains the symptoms of prostate cancer and how treatment?


Relative risk, relative to prostate cancer is twice as high compared to other men. This is due to prostate cancer have a close genetic relationship. In fact, not only brothers, but brother and my uncle's brother also has the same risk.

Prostate cancer can be detected early by screening blood test PSA (prostate spesific antigen). Because your father is suffering from prostate cancer, you need to undergo PSA testing when reaching the age of 45 years.
For men who do not belong to the high-risk group, they can begin to undergo PSA testing after the age of 50 years and this test must be passed every year.

Normal PSA levels generally less than 4 ng / dl. If someone is found to have a PSA level greater than 4 ng / dl, a urologist will recommend to test trans rectal prostate biopsy (TRUS) is operated. This test is performed through the anus in which the prostate gland tissue will be taken with the help of ultra sound. This test is important to confirm the presence of cancer and stage of prostate cancer.

About the signs of this disease, there is no specific indication for prostate cancer. It's just like a sign of a urinary tract blockage due to an enlarged prostate gland. These include problems such as:

* Slow urinary stream
* Urine is a trickle after urination
* Had to wait long for urine out
* It should be straining to produce urine
* Often the toilet at night.

At a later stage, the patient will experience pain in the bones, especially the spine. Physical examination can also detect prostate cancer.

Through this examination, the doctor will insert a finger into the anus to examine the shape and hardness of the prostate gland. However, if the cancer can be detected with the fingers, most likely it has reached a late stage.

There are various ways to treat prostate cancer. If detected at an early stage, prostatectony radical surgery can be done. This surgery involves the removal of the prostate gland.

Apart from that, the cancer in the early stages can be treated in a way bracytherapy. In this way, radioactive items will be added to the prostate gland and through this treatment, the prostate gland is not removed.

Prostate cancer at a later stage were treated by hormonal manipulation. This is because cancer of the prostate gland hormone testostorone need to spread. Thus, the so-called anti-androgen drugs are given to lower testostorone levels in the body and to control this spread from the prostate gland. This medication is available in tablet or injection form.

Testostorone hormone levels can also be reduced by means of surgery. This surgery involves the removal of both testicles.

reference Bharian ask doctor segmen with Dr Zulkifli

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