Fake Pepsi... beware!

I received this forwarded email, and I'd like to share it with you people.. So are you scared with the images of fake Pepsi? Are you dare to drink it from unknown source?

Disclaimer ; The source is unknown, which I get it from forwarded email. The main purpose shard to public is to prevent people from get any harm or bad effects in the future. I don't mean to make any offenses. If you are the owner of the material, please let me know so I will put your link here.

Be Aware!..even pepsi is now being pirated!

Great boy picking the colors to prepare the PEPSI

Men at work - washing the bottles

Men at work washing the bottles Fully

Boys placing the bottles in the tray

Boy filling the PEPSI Soooooo... cold

Boy filling the PEPSI & checking for the air bubbles

Boy filling the Gas in the bottles

Boy searching for the right caps

Great man at capping the bottle

Quality checking and Success


  1. hoho. be careful guys. It not reach malaysia right?

  2. ... Hopefully it is not the one sells in Malaysian market..


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